Many of us are taking advantage of the opportunity to travel, work or study abroad. There are so many exciting places to visit throughout Europe, Asia, America and beyond. Lots of us are combining getting to see the world while studying or working. You might look for temporary employment within the service industry in a bar, restaurant or hotel or perhaps you would prefer to work outdoors and look for a job on a farm, such as grape picking. Whatever the type of work, there are likely to be many advantages to gaining employment abroad. As well as the financial gains, other pluses might include improving your foreign language skills, learning to work with people from different backgrounds and cultures and showing that you are flexible and adaptable. All of these are valuable life skills and sought after by employers and can be highlighted in any job applications on your return home from your travels.
There are certain practicalities to think about, particularly when planning to work abroad. You might want to consider getting a translation of your CV, references, and qualifications for potential employers. A good translation will not just be linguistically correct but will be written with the target culture norms for these documents in mind and can help you get through the shortlisting process and land you that all important interview. Depending on the job for which you are applying, for example, if you are looking to work with children or vulnerable adults, you may also need a translation of your police check and personal ID.
Translation of key documents need not be difficult to arrange or be expensive. is an upcoming online translation service providing translation in numerous language combinations at affordable prices. has a simple and fast online price calculator. Documents can be easily uploaded to the agency’s online system for an instant, non-binding price quote and delivery date.
“As professional linguists, our translators have spent time abroad, working, studying or travelling so have a good idea about how things work. From personal experience it is useful to have documents such as your CV and references translated and at hand.” Daniela Engels,
But although it is good to be prepared with your translated documents, spontaneous job applications do not have to be a problem.
“We are an online translation service so if you are on your travels you can still access our services wherever you are on your mobile phone. And we do not need to see your original document. We can provide a certified translation from a good clear photo that can be sent using your mobile.” Daniela Engels,
Certified translation is often needed for these types of personal documents. A certified translator has the authority to confirm that the translation is correct and true to the original. can provide certified translation of personal ID documentation, academic certificates, references etc. in a number of language combinations. An electronic copy will be provided on completion of the translation and the certified hard copy will be sent to the mailing address provided, wherever in the world this may be.
More information about certified translation can be found at:
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