Introducing Amal, meaning ‘hope’ in Arabic, a very special new album from the Mutant Ninja label.
Faced with the complex socio-political situation in Syria, 21 French beatmakers wanted to show their support. In their own way, they wanted to get involved in this global mess through music. For an entirely instrumental album, the result is both impressive and very appealing ! The album features artists such as Guts, Tcheep, GooMar, Vax’1, Chicho Cortez, James Delleck, 20Syl and many more.
What’s even better is that all the money raised by this album will be donated to “A Syrian Dream”, an independent association working for the education of refugee children in camps on the Turkish border! So don’t hesitate to buy it – it’s not just for a good cause, it’s an aural treat – you’ve got everything to gain!
Julie Mourez
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