After working several hours in front of the computer or studying nonstop, we are less efficient and our brain becomes saturated. We have a limited capacity of concentration, that is why it is necessary to take small breaks regularly.
Breathe in… Breathe out !
Breathing is often neglected when we want to relax, for it allows us to release mental, emotional and physical tensions. Our brain needs enough oxygen to reprogram it.
Cardiac coherence is recommended for the regulation of the cardiac rhythm. Sitting or standing, we make ourselves comfortable. You perform breathing cycles by alternating five seconds of inhalation and exhalation, all for five minutes. It should be practiced at least three times a day.
Hydrate to think better
Drinking water has many benefits: good blood circulation, elimination of toxins… What about concentration? Not drinking enough water during the day leads to headaches and dehydration. In order to improve brain efficiency and reduce the feeling of fatigue, let’s not forget to drink 1.5 liters of water during the day!
Eat well to feel better
People who don’t eat enough protein suffer from mental and physical fatigue. These nutrients make the neurotransmitters that fix information, store and restore data in the nervous system. Are you suddenly tired? We prefer vitamin C (lemon, kiwi, strawberries …) or vitamin D (dark chocolate with 70% cocoa minimum) for an energy boost!
A restorative sleep
It has been proven that a 10-minute nap promotes learning performance and reduces sleep. It allows you to sort out and to classify quickly the information accumulated all day long …
To conclude, taking a 20-minute break to reprogram your brain should become a reflex. Our brain isn’t a war machine, it needs to regain its strength to face the long day ahead.
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