Kodd Digital/Paper’s return unveils excess pleasure, the revival of the Kodd Group. This revival is defined by the magazine’s free distribution and the offer of numbered copies.
The goal : to offer you a unique, exclusive magazine that suits you, with a special numbered issue ! As you flip through each page, you will live a subtle experience of excess through our identity.
Would you like to discover the digital version ?
Experience Kodd at 360°. The Digital Xperience platform aims to make you discover the digital version of Kodd’s paper magazine. The goal ? To make you live a different, original and above all, Made in Kodd Group experience.
Would you like to discover the print version ?
Given the current context, the print version of the magazine will unfortunately not be available in Parisian distributors. You can either order it by worldwide home delivery or use our Click & Collect service at the Editorial Office (2 rue Gabriel-Laumain, 75010 Paris) to pick up your magazine(s) from our editorial office in complete security.
A/ How does it work to receive the magazine by worldwide home delivery ?
Click here to order for home shipping !
B/ How does it work to receive the magazine by Click & Collect service at the Editorial Office ?
1. Order by filling in the form below (choose your preferred option).
2. You receive an e-mail from the Kodd editorial office (within 72 hours). For the Click & Collect at the Editorial Office option, you can pick up your magazine(s) by appointment in complete safety, in compliance with barrier gestures.
3. You live the Kodd experience through our discoveries !
Note : Digital/print version si only available in french.
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