Before Josh Benus (Glass Dove) assumed this musical identity, the Nashville-based indie rock artist found himself faced with a series of challenges. In 2012, an emergency surgery took a dangerous turn that left Josh in critical condition.
After a hiatus from music, Josh commenced writing. Serendipitously, producer Owen Biddle [The Roots, John Legend] approached him in early 2018. They then retreated to the Smoky Mountains for a week of writing and recording. Debut single “Cigarette Sunset” featuring Liz Cooper highlights glitchy percussion bristles against the reverb of a heavenly harmony between Liz and Josh. Latest release ‘Terrible Secrets’ is about those in power who divide us to maintain their privilege and how our inaction gives voice to “terrible secrets”.
Benus continues his path towards new personal and musical adventures. As a meditation on life’s shadows, as an example of rock-solid craftsmanship and freewheeling imagination, he’s bringing listeners along with him as Glass Dove. ‘Terrible Secrets’ is currently available worldwide. Discovery the music video below !
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