Some people can gain weight by eating, others not, in fact, food has a strong emotional connotation for some, not everyone has the same relationship with food and the same metabolism. This can reveal certain diseases related to food such as anorexia, bulimia or obesity.
Eating disorders
Indeed, eating disorders can be classified as bulimia, this eating disorder is characterized by compulsive intake of quantity of food, often following to make oneself vomit or to take laxatives to compensate.
How to gain weight ?
To gain weight in the long term, it is necessary to be accompanied by a professional: nutritionist, dietician, consultant in nutrition or therapeutic feeding…etc.
Gaining weight is not just about eating more, better and adopting better habits. Although this is the beginning of a healthy lifestyle, it is necessary to start by rebalancing your diet. Being aware of the source of your problems helps to improve your relationship with nutrition.
Have a rich and varied diet
To begin with, people who want to gain weight should make sure they have a balanced diet every day: eat at least 5 to 6 fruits and vegetables a day, if you are omnivores or flexitarians, meat, fish, for omnivores, flexitarians and vegetarians eggs. For all, omnivores, flexitarians, vegetarians, vegans, legumes at least once a day, starchy foods at every meal, rapeseed or nut oil in cooking and of course enough protein. Most importantly, drink at least 1.5 L of mineral water daily.
If you are quickly full during the main meals, think about snacks, in the morning and in the afternoon, at the end of the evening, eat individual wholemeal bread with a dairy product, a piece of fruit, a handful of nuts and why not a pressed fruit.
If you have a small appetite, enrich your meals with homemade products such as pureed vegetables and soups. Unless otherwise advised by your doctor, you can take a course of food supplements to optimize your intake of vitamins and minerals. We recommend that you seek the advice of a health professional or a pharmacy to choose the food supplement that suits you.
You should also choose superfoods (baobab powder, moringa powder, seaweed or superfruits like mango or pomegranate).
To gain weight, it is not enough to eat in extreme quantities, you must avoid ultra-processed products (ready-made meals, fast food, etc.). Also neglect sweets, soft drinks and fall back on homemade dishes as explained above. If your metabolism is fast, prefer a moderate sport activity to an intense one.
Knowing your BMI is also important for doctors to know if your weight is appropriate for your height. The body mass index is calculated from a mathematical formula: weight (kg) / height 2 (m).
From this calculation, a doctor can determine if you are underweight, normal, overweight or obese.
Taking care of yourself starts with your diet, but it is also necessary to define the source of your problem beforehand. The cabinet maison alam proposes to accompany you in the gain of your weight on the long term.
We recommend that you make an appointment with this practice specialized in therapeutic nutrition for your nutritional well-being.
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