The transformation of Mathieu Kassovitz’s 1995 cult film ‘The Hate’ into a musical entitled ‘So Far Nothing’s Changed’ marks an ambitious artistic initiative. The aim of the project is to revisit the film from a new angle, while retaining its powerful social message.
Return of the cult film that marked the 90s
The film centres on a day in the life of three young people from the French suburbs after a night of rioting, caused by a police blunder that left their friend Abdel in a coma. La Haine explores social tensions, police violence and the despair of young people in search of identity and justice.
From film to musical comedy
By integrating music, dance and song, this version aims to amplify the emotions and offer a new reading of the story. The title, ‘So far nothing’s changed, is a direct reference to Hubert’s famous line in the film: ‘It’s the story of a guy who falls off a building…, underlining that the issues addressed remain relevant today.
The production team includes well-known rappers such as Youssoupha and Médine, as well as new-generation rappers from the New school program such as Youssef Swatt’s and Jyeuhair. The choreography is by legendary dance couple Émilie Capel, spotted by Kamel Ouali and a dancer on Madonna’s ‘The Celebration Tour’, and her husband Yaman Okur, a breakdancer who was crowned world champion in 2001.
Musical director is the famous Proof, a music composer whose unique artistic approach is defined by a bold exploration of melancholy tones.
The new cast
This musical is a real live show combining acting, singing, dancing and orchestral music. The plot is driven by dialogue interspersed with songs and dance numbers that serve to develop the story and express the emotions of the characters.
Samy Belkessa, the actor who plays Saïd, is a young actor who was discovered in 2023 in two films, including a thriller called Anti-Squat. Alivor, the actor who plays Hubert, is a French rapper and actor from Le Havre. He has made a name for himself in the music world thanks to his freestyles and his collaboration on the track ‘Grand Paris’ with Médine. Alexander Ferrario, the actor who plays Vinz, is already active in the film world. He is best known for his roles in TF1 series such as The Replacement, starring rap legend JoeyStarr.
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Our opinion of the musical
The best thing about this show is its multi-disciplinary mix of artistic disciplines and spectacular visual and scenic effects. The show is grandiose and the staging is rich in scenery. It has become a classic of contemporary cinema thanks to its striking visual style, its committed narrative and its social criticism. La haine hasn’t aged a day, showing us that nothing has changed from 1995 to the present day.
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Prices start from €25 per person.
Times: Thursday to Sunday from 7.30pm. The show lasts 2 hours and is available until 5 January in Paris.
Address: la Seine Musicale, Île Seguin, 92100 Boulogne-Billancourt
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