On the eve of the holidays that are fast approaching, we offer you three miracle solutions for your organization that will be put to the test. Headaches, heavy digestion, intestinal disorders are signs that your body is reaching saturation. To find your well-being and your usual vitality there are precious allies 100% natural.
The first, Regulatpro Bio is a food supplement that will optimize the assimilation of nutrients in the ingredients of its formulas. Consisting of fruits, vegetables and not fresh and organic course and stuffed with vitamins C will help you regain an energetic metabolism.
Baccharis Trimera, nicknamed “the grass of the big jaguar” is an Amazonian plant with great virtues. Useful in case of bad breath, transit problems, it will purify your body. And finally Hydrolat de Ledon from Greenland Bio is known for its therapeutic effectiveness. Detoxifying, Purifier, it will help regenerate your liver after the holidays.
It’s good to know that for a better detox it is necessary to avoid, the coffee and to privilege a good cup of tea, it is important to drink water, which will facilitate the work of filtration of your kidneys. Eat lighter in the evening to have a better quality of sleep and of course we do not hesitate to practice a physical activity.
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