Increase your chances of success ! What is Sistas University ? Sistas University develops the skills you need to build your dream career with their resources ! Every month, every semester of an academic year, they organise a course. Organised in partnership with coaching and human resources professionals, these courses are designed to help you develop your skills. Count € 20 for each course per person and, € 35 for those who come as a couple.
The schedule includes five courses: “Learning more effectively”, “Dream Maker Session”, “Entrepreneurship”, “Finding your dream job” and the “Leadership Session”. The programme also offers you guides for female students and active women as well as advice on how to become an adult! To be informed in advance of the course date and reserve a place of the course before everyone else, register now ! In conclusion, Sistas University is an all-female community with 100% participation and over 50 participants, with 100% satisfaction!
You can also Pre-order an agenda for the start of the 2014 academic year !
Find out more about Sistas University here !
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