An ex-teenager who ate rap, starting with those who were bashed on the radio: Eminem, 50 Cent and Snoop Dogg, Luidji is a real sponge who explored the depths of Kazaa before digging his own furrow and starting to scratch out his first lyrics, laying them down around the age of fifteen or sixteen.
Ambitious but always humble, focused but always ready to have fun, Luidji has his feet firmly on the ground and a very clear idea of where he wants to go. Luidji makes music without confining himself to a particular style. He makes music “by instinct, without copying his references but remaining as faithful as possible to his convictions”.
He does what he likes, and you can hear it. After providing several mixtapes, notably with his collective La Capsule, he requests in 2015 “Mécanique des fluides” a project very open musically.
Dembele Koudij
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