Street Art in all its forms and diversity…
This event is the first festival in Europe to show Street Art in all its globality and plurality of disciplines: monumental frescoes, traditional frescoes, collages, stencils, urban sculptures, installations, photography, works on canvas, digital works, anamorphoses, natural Street Art, videos… and of course exhibitions are on the programme. From 8 to 26 June, the city centre will be punctuated each day with events as diverse as the live production of works, the unveiling of frescoes, openings, meeting times, guided tours, conferences, screenings, all accompanied by permanent cultural mediation on all the sites concerned.
As for the first edition, the festival will call upon local artists for the creations, but also on internationally renowned street artists such as: Ernest Pignon-Ernest (Fr), Anthony Lister (Au), Goin (Fr), C215 (Fr), Beast (It), Animalitoland (Ar), Monkey Bird Crew (Fr). A locally rooted event. The festival will highlight the work of local artists: Petite Poissone, The Sheepest, Etien’, Nesta, Snek, Juin, Ink4rt, Srek, M4U, and many others. A didactic and educational festival: with two major axes around the origin of street art in France and its beginnings in Grenoble with the repeated interventions of Ernest Pignon-Ernest, and the Vandal movement, spearhead of the Grenoble basin, as if revolutions find a fertile ground in these lands…
The whole school public is involved in the festival, before, during and after, through mediation actions by schoolchildren for schoolchildren, dedicated visits, EAC actions during the coming years and the training of teachers to street art in its entirety. The mediation team of Grenoble Street Art Fest! will be present on all the sites concerned, entirely dedicated to the questions of the visitors.
Photos Credits : gcagallery
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