Essential oils are derived from a distillation process. Their formula contains many benefits for your body.
What is the use of essential oils ?
Once distilled, the plant contains many active agents that are beneficial to your health, your skin and even your morale. Each problem has its own essential oil, which is why they are useful in everyday life.
There are thousands of aromatic plants and each of them, once distilled, treats a very specific problem. Because of their number, the field of action of essential oils is very diverse.
The high concentration of an essential oil makes it a very effective product, although it should be used with care. Used for decades to heal, modern aromatherapy allows their use in complete safety, due to research that has clarified their effects and dangers.
The danger of essential oils
Although aromatherapy is a natural medicine, the products are highly concentrated in active ingredients, powerful and not recommended for everyone. Before each use, it is therefore recommended to know if the oil in question is suitable for you.
Their potency has certain toxicities that depend on each essential oil, its user and its method of use. This information is usually included in the instructions for use. If you are in any doubt, do not hesitate to ask for help from someone specialised.
For example, essential oils are not recommended for young children and forbidden for babies under 3 months, and should be used with great caution by pregnant women. For people with allergies or sensitive skin in general, it is advisable to seek medical advice before use.
We do not trust nature’s products enough, because we think they are risk-free. Each active ingredient has contraindications and allergy risks.
Essential oils to have
There are many essential oils, but if you are interested in aromatherapy, we recommend the following 6 oils :
1/ Tea Tree essential oil fights against many infections, very effective in case of acne and infections of all kinds thanks to its antibacterial and antifungal benefits.
2/ Ravintsara essential oil is effective for the whole family as its antiviral and immunostimulant actions will help you get through the winter viruses !
3/ Peppermint essential oil is used for headaches and migraines, bad breath and nausea. It is a must in aromatherapy.
4/ The essential oil of Sweet gaultheria is the oil of the sportsmen by its anti inflammatory and analgesic action cutaneous. Recommended for aches and pains, back pain, tendonitis and arthritis.
5/ Petit Grain Bigarade essential oil is the essential anti-stress oil thanks to its antispasmodic and sedative properties.
6/ Officinal Lavender essential oil is very well tolerated, especially by children. Renowned for its calming, healing and analgesic properties, it is used to treat insect bites, burns, itching and sunburn.
Essential oils are a very useful natural medicine for treating small everyday problems. Nevertheless, do not hesitate to consult a health professional in case of more serious problems.
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