Today, innovation and technology have a more and more important place in our society and the world that surrounds us. Those two entities are pacing our lives, giving some people the desire to become actors.
That is what happened for Mickael Caine, 28 years old, and his start-up ThegoodCorners who claims himself dynamic and fashionable at the moment. At the beginning of the project, an idea came up in march 2016. Then, it is many efforts of creativity and determination. Thegood Corner is before everything a web platform based on the willingness to help others. It’s an innovative web site, dedicated to french people that live in London. It gathers small ads to find a job, a place to live, many good adresses and french professionals that work in the British soil.
Over the months, The good Corners managed to have a very good reputation, and to stir curiosity in order to respond to a growing demand. All of this with the willingness to ease your debut in London. And that is why new perspectives were born. The app of the expats is a mobile application available on the app store and android. Firstly, it would take all the different features of the web site, specifically the jobs and housing ads, as well as the professional directory. New categories are in preparation.
In order to conclude this cultural concept, The Good Corners launched a participative founding on the platform until the 17th of february to find the necessary funds, that is 25 000 £. For now, 4728 £ have been gathered, that is 18% of the total, thanks to 68 contributors that believe in this project just like the team, which is now composed of 7 active members.
But this project have another dimension. Mickael Caine, founder of The Good Corners, also works at the french high school of London. He is passionate about children that gave him a lot in return. He made a commitment that is to redistribute 10% of the reached amount to redistribute to associations of student’s parents to help families in difficulties. The Good Corners is a big and beautiful adventure, innovative, modern, and full of crazy dreams. We believe in the future. We are the future. What about you ?
Are you convinced in the project ? 5 £ are enough to make a donation. The Good Corners’s team is counting on you !
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Margot Viel
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