Many people want to succeed in the fashion industry. For some, it’s a very select world, for others it’s open to everyone.
To succeed in fashion, you don’t necessarily have to come straight out of a fashion school. With the internet and social networks, many influencers have proven that it’s possible to break into the fashion industry. However, you should know that it takes a lot of work to reach your goals.
Thanks to our quiz below, you will know if you have the profile to succeed in fashion in a few minutes.
Important : this quiz doesn’t replace a professional opinion.
Voir le résultat / Results
You have a majority of :
1- You have a creative and original profile that suits the fashion world. Now you will have to redouble your efforts to follow your dreams and desires. Good luck !
2- You are interested in the fashion world, but not passionate about it. It’s an unforgiving environment in which it is important to stand out. We advise you to dig in your research and ask yourself the right questions about your desires.
3- You only see in fashion a practical side. You don’t reject it because you like other people’s looks but you are not passionate about being “fashionable”.
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