Apitherapy is an age-old practice of caring for your body and your well-being. It involves using the curative properties of beehive products.
The first uses of this alternative medicine date back at least to Ancient Egypt, several thousand years ago. Apitherapy allowed illnesses or injuries to be treated with products secreted by bees, such as honey, propolis or royal jelly.
Ingredients you can incorporate into your daily routine
Honey is certainly the most accessible product. It comes in a wide variety of flavors, including flower, forest and mountain honey. Fir honey, for example, is darker and less sweet than acacia oil. A spoonful in an infusion can help reduce stress, or recover from a cold. Lavender honey, with its many virtues, would be the most effective.
Beeswax is an anti-inflammatory. It is useful for promoting healing. Moisturizers, lip balms, make-up removers… many cosmetics use its properties to soothe the skin. If you prefer homemade care, beeswax can be found in organic, bulk or zero-waste stores.
You can therefore take care of your body by incorporating these elements into your routine. However, cures or treatments can also be implemented to get back into shape, or prevent deficiencies.
Apitherapy now also available in pharmacies
Most beehive products can be found in pharmaceutical outlets. Pollen, for example, contains iron, proteins and most of the amino acids needed by the body. And yes, it’s edible! Consuming it in small quantities is quite sufficient to reap all its benefits. It should not be combined with dairy products, but would be welcome in a vinaigrette or with fruit.
Millennia ago, Egyptian doctors used propolis as an anti-bacterial agent to treat wounds. However, as with bee venom or royal jelly, medical supervision is required; these products are generally part of a treatment or cure, and their use is not to be taken lightly. Indeed, they can present risks for some people, and it’s important to seek professional advice.
The most common hive products are harmless in small doses, and can be incorporated into self-care preparations. For the rest, they are not a complete substitute for medication, and you should not hesitate to consult a doctor if necessary.
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