It would seem that to become an entrepreneur, an idea would be enough. That is not it. In fact, you also need money. However, you need to know that today, it is possible to be an entrepreneur at a lower cost.
You want to create a business, to develop a project, but you don’t want to take risks ? You should know that there is businesses that require a small amount of money and they can be supported by bank loans in order to pursue your ambitions ! Being an entrepreneur is not a small issue. Specially if you are young and have no income. There is a lot to consider before embarking. So we can ask ourselves, before invest, if being an entrepreneur or self-employed is a good or a bad idea ?
Wanting to launched your own business is tempting because of all its advantages, like the flexibility of your schedule. More and more « auto-entrepreneurs » have made profit of what the internet has to offer. More often, it is applications that ease our everyday lives, that help us abroad.. Those creations have become the extension of ourselves because they are implanted in our phones. The demand remain and supply depend on the creativity and imagination of each.
But this statut also presents many disadvantages. One of them is that you can’t count your hours. You may not have a boss anymore but responsibilities are multiplied. Dealing with a huge amount of work and peak periods are in the heart of an entrepreneur’s life. You have to think of the client and not you. One of the difficulties is to know how to surround yourself with the right people, the one that won’t compromise the project. Because this project must be think in a long term. You may not realize it at first, but being an entrepreneur lead you to a more solitary way of working. Because you do most of the work at home. The lack of social life could be felt. Plus, the fact that you won’t get a fixed salary could be difficult, specially at the beginning of your activity.
The concept has no limits today. You can start at a very young age. If you are doing an internship for exemple, you could get profit of the several contacts you could get there and that could be very helpful ! That is what Mathilde Lefrançois explain, co-founder of Kwaala, a collaborative platform which allows to rent travel necessities between individuals. She launched her project when she was a student. Same thing for Jonathan Noble, who created clocktweets, application which permit the programmation of your tweets, when he was in high school.
For those young people, there are alternatives as for the launch of their projects. For exemple, business incubators have been created in order to ease the creation step, by bringing a technic and financial support, advices, and services, which are consisting on propose offices, stockage spaces.. Those are supported by public actors and apply a advantaging pricing.
One you have the idea, you need to convince ! That is why you must have a communication directory well define. The nest step will mostly depend on your capacity to take the right decisions at the right time !
After all, being an entrepreneur is strongly linked to your personality !
Margot Viel
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